Teaching authority model

Science Space Styria is an alliance between all nine Styrian universities to ensure qualitative teaching at their institutions. It is the goal to provide high-quality teaching for the benefit of all students and graduates. Apart from subject-specific and academic expertise, didactical skills are central to the repertoire of a tertiary educator.

The universities of Science Space Styria, thus, developed a teaching authority model to strengthen the value of high-quality tertiary education in this region. This alliance is well-aware of the differing social as well as legal regulations each university is subjected to. For this reason, the model refrains from being strategically or specifically structured to serve only one institution but allows for an autonomous application to various sectors, institutions, and areas of expertise.

The model serves as a reference framework for professional tertiary teaching in Styria. Its basis influences the schooling of basic skills in tertiary didactics and forms the foundation for essential professional, divisional, and institutional differentiation.

A detailed description in German can be found here:

Broschüre zum Lernkompetenzmodell (PDF)