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Mathematics Ring Lecture

Mathematics Ring Lecture 2000 1333 Marion Velik

Under the title “Applied Mathematics – Explaining Mathematics in an Understandable Way”, the nine Styrian universities are offering online lectures from October 2022 to January 2023 that show how close mathematics is to everyday life and applications.

Mathematics made easy to understand
All lectures of the lecture series will be held online by experts from the nine Styrian universities. They are presented in an easy-to-understand way and are aimed at pupils, prospective students and, of course, anyone else who is interested. After the online lectures, there will be the opportunity to ask questions and discuss in the virtual room.

All online lectures of the series “Understanding and Applying Mathematics” 

The online lectures (in German) will each begin at 17:00 and can all be accessed via this participation link:

5. Oktober 2022: Sereina Herzog (Med Uni Graz): „Die ansteckende Mathematik – Infektionen“
19. Oktober 2022: Rotislav Stanek (Montanuniversität Leoben): „Briefzustellung – Braucht man dafür wirklich Mathematik?“
2. November 2022: Klemens Fellner (Uni Graz): „Wie zählt man Fettsäuren?“
16. November 2022: Jul Martens (FH Campus 02): „Malen nach Zahlen: Wie lassen sich statistische Informationen graphisch aufbereiten“
30. November 2022: Bernd Messnarz (FH JOANNEUM): „Wenn Mathematik abhebt: Wie werden Drohnen mit linearen Gleichungssystemen gesteuert?“
7. Dezember 2022: Christoph Aistleitner (TU Graz): „Was ist mathematische Forschung? Von den Grundlagen zur Anwendung“
21. Dezember 2022: Karl-Heinz Grass (Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark) und Kristina Krause (Uni Graz): „Funktionen von Funktionen“
11. Jänner 2023: Robert Schütky (Private Pädagogische Hochschule Augustinum): „Größen im Alltag“
25. Jänner 2023: Robert Höldrich (Kunstuniversität Graz): „Sounds great. Die Mathematik hinter dem Klang der E-Gitarre“

The lectures will be recorded and subsequently published on YouTube for viewing.

Health Care and Hospital Management

Health Care and Hospital Management 2560 1707 Meduni Graz

Challenging times call for competent and capable managers in health care facilities and hospitals. In cooperation with FH JOANNEUM Med Uni Graz offers the post graduate course  Health Care and Hospital Management to prepare future managers for the challenges ahead.

Doctoral Program Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease

Doctoral Program Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease 2560 1707 Meduni Graz

The universities of Graz are internationally renowned as places of the highest level of research in regards of metabolic lipid research. Med Uni Graz, University of Graz and Graz University of Technology cooperate to provide the doctoral program “Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease”.

Nursing Science

Nursing Science 2560 1707 Meduni Graz

Nursing as an important part of medicine and the successful treatment of patients is getting more and more important. The nursing science degree programs are oriented toward meeting the challenges modern nursing faces.

Sounds right

Sounds right 2560 1707 TU Graz

The “Electrical Engineering and Audio Engineering” degree program combines music and technology. Students receive an education that is unique in Europe and builds a bridge between science and art, ratio and emotion. The content ranges from acoustics and sound design to communication between humans and machines to hardware and software for audio and multimedia processing. As an inter-university degree program (Bachelor and Master), “Electrical Engineering and Audio Engineering” is offered jointly by TU Graz and the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG).

Co-op it studies

Co-op it studies 2400 1600 Marion Velik

CAMPUS 02, FH JOANNEUM and TU Graz are dedicated to the joint training of IT experts. The dual Bachelor’s programme in Mobile Software Development (FH JOANNEUM) or Business Software Development (FH CAMPUS 02) can be combined with professional life due to the coop- form of study.

Sound Design

Sound Design 2560 1707 Marion Velik

The design of and with sound forms the core of the inter-university Master’s programme “Sound Design”, which is offered jointly by FH JOANNEUM and the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.

Sound designers develop detailed knowledge of artistic design, media preparation and technical processing of sound, as well as semantic and psychoacoustic perception. They design sounds for films, computer games, audio logos and brand jingles, make data sound, optimise the sound of products and deal with the acoustic environment, soundscapes and sound ecology.

“Sound Design” is a field of study in the Master’s degree programme Communication, Media, Sound and Interaction Design.

Applied Nutrition Medicine

Applied Nutrition Medicine 2560 1707 Marion Velik

The increase in nutrition-related diseases is presenting physicians and dieticians with new interdisciplinary challenges. FH JOANNEUM and the Medical University of Graz are therefore focusing on the complex field of nutritional medicine as well as strategic cross-sectional competences such as quality management, research and public health in the new master’s programme “Applied Nutritional Medicine”.

This part-time training is offered as part of the JOANNEUM ACADEMY. The cooperation partner is the Medical University of Graz.

Lange Nacht der Forschung

Lange Nacht der Forschung 2048 1536 Marion Velik

Universities, universities of applied sciences, research institutions, competence centres and innovative companies invite you to the “Lange Nacht der Forschung” every two years. This event offers the opportunity to bring top achievements in science and research before the curtain and to give the population a sense of the technologies and knowledge that are decisively shaping our future. It is the largest research event in Europe to date.

Of course, the Styrian universities also present themselves at the “Lange Nacht der Forschung”.

Health Perception Lab

Health Perception Lab 2500 1667 Marion Velik

The Health Perception Lab (HPL) is a laboratory for health-relevant sensory research. The prime focus is on examining beneficial foodstuffs by means of hedonic sensory analysis using standardised sensory cabins as well as modern digital technology, including 3D face reading and eye tracking.

Research partners are amongst others:

Medical University of Graz, Institute of Pathophysiology and
Immunology, Research Unit Nutrition and Metabolism

Graz University of Technology, Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry, Food Chemistry and Human Sensorics